Christmas Time

1:26 PM

Well, December came and went more quickly than October and November combined. The only part of college that I hate is the feeling that Fall semester takes over and scrunches Christmas into a week. Having a whole month to focus on the birth of the Savior is pretty much the only part of not being in college next year, that I am looking forward to.

In addition to the shortened time, my attitude and my experiences over the last month put me in a position to not be in the Christmas spirit as much as I usually am. Let's just say that December was a rough month for Brittney. Anyway, I was worried that my lack of Christmas loving would make me miss out on all the things I didn't get to do. However that isn't what happened.

Even with my lack of time, and my lack of excitement for Christmas, I made a goal to make this season about the Savior, and not about the traditions, or parties, or activities. I found that since I took more time to ponder the importance behind the Savior, I felt the Christmas spirit much more stronger. Especially the week before Christmas, I made an exceeded effort to feel my Saviors love, and reflect on his magnificent life.

So even though I didn't get around to watching my favorite Christmas shows (The Santa Clause, Home Alone, The Grinch, and the Claymations) I did watch the video of the Nativity, the new movies from the Church. I got to read different accounts of the Savior's birth and his ministry on the earth. I didn't get to make christmas cookies, but I did learn about the first manger and Swaddling clothes. These experiences brought me so much more closer to the Savior, that now looking back, I have no regrets over how my Christmas season went. I enjoyed it, and it let me reflect back on the changes I need to make to bring me closer to my Savior, and my Heavenly Father.

I will share one scripture from my studies that i just loved:

Matthew 1:21 

"And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name JESUS: for he shall save his people from their sins."

For some reason that scripture really struck me this season. I especially loved the phrase, for he shall save his people. . . HIS people. That brings me an immense of comfort and feeling of love from my Savior, and it helps me remember that he suffered the worst fate imaginable so I wouldn't have to. He sacrificed his life for me so that I could see my dad again, and my Heavenly Father, and the rest of my family. That is literally the greatest gift, I will ever have.

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