
1:33 PM

Let's just say this year definitely didn't go as planned. I think as a kid you always plan up until college and you never really think you're going to get past that stage (because it takes 4 plus years to escape), so even though you have a lot of ideas of what you want to do, when it actually hits you, you have no idea what you're doing. I've been going to school my whole life. I had made school and BYU part of who I was, and when I graduated the Brittney I had known ceased. There was this new person who had no idea who she was or what she really wanted in life. Besides that existential crisis the worst part hits you second. 

The stress

What am I going to do with my life? How am I going to to pay off my student loans? How do I make my life meaningful and successful at the same time? This summer I faced so many trials. Trials that seriously tested my faith. I credit my ability to ride these struggles with my unwavering knowledge of the love my Heavenly Father has for me. I made several promises to my Heavenly Father this year, and its because of those and my commitment to honor those promises that I know I made it through this difficult year. He is always there. He will always be there for you. He will comfort your broken heart even when you don't deserve it. 

After getting out of school and getting a job that was unfulfilling, I felt worthless and the self-doubt grew every single day. Other areas of my life started caving in and I was absolutely miserable. I know I wouldn't have made it out of such a low without my Heavenly Father, my savior, my wonderful family, and my amazing friends. After long months of sincere prayer and a lot of humbling experiences. I was able to get back on my feet. I started figuring out who I was and more importantly who I wanted to be. I opened my mind to new dreams and goals that I hadn't considered before. Things are far from perfect, but I am happy. Happy for me, not for others, not because of others, or things, but because I'm doing what I'm supposed to right now, and I weathered the storm without my faith faltering, and I am so thankful for that. So despite 2016 being the year I didn't know I needed, but am so grateful I had, cheers to a new year full of all new experiences good or bad. I'm ready! 

A look back on my 2K16 













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