My Love Letter to Taylor Swift

12:13 PM

Dear Taylor Swift, 

First, I would like to say thank you. Thank you for the beautiful words you have put into a sometimes ugly world. Thank you for being a wonderful role model for women ages 5 to 97 years. Thank you for putting so much feelings and emotions into your music. Thank you for making fifteen year old Brittney feel like she was worth something. Thank you for making me realize that love is the most important thing in life but sometimes you have to find happiness on your own, that sometimes you have to choose yourself over everybody else. Thank you for helping me define what it means to be fearless, and sad, and happy, and confused. And also making me feel like it was alright to feel all of those things at once. Thank you for showing me how to demand respect without being demanding. But most importantly, thank you for standing up and being you despite the people trying to tear you down. Thank you for teaching me to not just be okay with who I am, but to love who I am. People ask me all the time why I love you so much. I want to say that you helped me love me, and that is something I will always be grateful for. 

Second, please don't ever stop making music. Your music is usually the only thing that can get me through a crappy day. I love it, and I love learning and experiencing with you as you learn and experience. I honestly don't know what I would do if you stopped making music. One, I don't think anyone needs a break from you. Two, if they do than they can go jump in the stinking lake because you are perfect, and although you do love your fans I don't think you realize how much we love you.  Besides, if you disappear where am I gonna get my Swiftsperation for my Halloween costumes. Yes, I have dressed as you for the past five years now, and I have never once regretted it. 

Third, your concert was literally a night I will never forget. I sang my lungs out to every single song and ugly cried pretty much the whole time. Thank you for letting me and my little sister jam out to the greatest person in the whole world. Thank you for saying what you mean. Also, thank you for not singing about sex and drugs, thanks for being a breath of fresh air.  

Lastly, Taylor Swift I will love you until the day I die (and probably longer than that). 

-- B

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