The Blessings of the Temple

11:55 AM

In March my homeward bishop and I started meeting to discuss if it was an appropriate time for me to go through the temple. I started taking the temple prep class and praying about whether this was a right decision for me. As I finished temple prep I felt that I was ready and we set the date. 

I was endowed on July 28th I went through the Timpanogos Temple and received my endowments.  It was the most amazing thing I have ever done in my entire life. During the process of preparing for the temple and becoming more worthy to make covenants with my Heavenly Father I found myself. My REAL self. I found out who I am. Specifically who I am through God's eyes. Which was only made more true after I went through the temple. I have never been more happy in my life than I have these past three months. I never want to lose the happiness I have gained from going to the temple. 

These past couple of years I have really worked hard to become happy on my own, without needing to depend on others to make me happy. I can honestly say that I am happy for me now, but there is no way I could have done it on my own. I would still be stuck in the rut I was two years ago if it wasn't for my Heavenly Father and my Savior, Jesus Christ. Through the beautiful power of the atonement and the enduring patience of Heavenly Father I have been made clean again. I am whole again. My broken and embittered heart is healed. And none of this could be possible today without my dream team. 

I am so grateful for the never ending love of my Heavenly Father and my Savior. They have loved me on my loneliest, bitterest, angriest, and depressed days. These experiences have rebuilt testimony and have shaped my life into what I deserve and what Heavenly Father wants for me. 

I hope one day I can love someone the way Heavenly Father has loved me. 


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