Trumpocalypse 2016

11:15 AM

Anyone interested in the 2016 Presidential election was probably watching the two GOP debates last night which aired on FOX News. I could write probably ten novels on all the things that happened last night, but there is one thing that stood out to me. Amid the circus show last night, there was something that I think conservatives aren't paying enough attention to. They're letting it slip by because it's new and shiny. What GOP voters don't realize is that if they continue to let this new toy be the center of attention, we will be in a lot more trouble than we have at any time in the last eight years. And that new shiny toy is,

 Donald Trump

Under the guise of a fresh face and anti-political correctness, Donald Trump has stormed to the top of the polls. Not just among GOP candidates. He is the top candidate period. WHY? Well, I think Fiorina put it best when she said, 

"... he has tapped into an anger that people feel. They're sick of politics as usual. . . The political class has failed you, and that is just a fact. And Donald Trump has tapped into that." 

The people who I know that are supportive of Trump are sick to death of these sycophants who never show who they really are. But the problem is that just because Trump hasn't been a career politician doesn't mean he's the wide eyed innocent golden boy that he has made himself out to be. 

During the election of 2012,  a big problem Mitt Romney, The GOP nominee, faced was that  conservatives thought he was a flip flopper. He had changed his views on some very important issue to conservatives and that made him untrustworthy to many. PEOPLE DONALD TRUMP IS THE WORST FLIP FLOPPER IN THE HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. 

If you think Jimmy Carter was an incompetent commander and chief..... President Carter has NOTHING on how incompetent and destructive Trump would be as president. 

Yes, people are sick to death of the hyper-sensitive society we have created. People are sick to death of being told that they can't stand up for their beliefs because it hurts someone's else's feelings. I think President Obama and his forceful nature of trying to make everyone accept everyone regardless of their values has created a society that want the anti-of that attitude. (ENTER TRUMP). But it is a total and complete farce. 

Donald Trump is not and has never been the solution to our over sensitive society. He has obliterated all the work the GOP has done the last four years to help include the Hispanic vote and the female vote. In one night, he has estranged a huge group of votes that the GOP needs to win. He isn't being "anti-politically correct" he is banking on built up emotions and using flat out monstrous lies to do so. 

The GOP and it's candidates should have put the nails in Trumps Presidential coffin the moment he said that every immigrant coming across the Mexican border was a rapist. They should have confronted him about many things. 

Last night he back tracked, sort of, to save face for what he had said in his announcement speech. But where he back tracked on immigration, he went leaps and bounds in the negative direction against women.

WHY. Why did not one candidate call him out on the horrendous things he has said against women. Ya know, I am not fan of Rosie O'Donnell. I think she is an intolerant liberal and very offensive. But when Trump mentioned that she was the one he was calling a Fat Pig. Someone should have said something. Instead of letting him attack Megyn Kelly. She wasn't even there to defend herself. Is that the professional, respectful, Reagan loving Conservative we want as President? NO. He wasn't just calling O'donnell out. He has made several disparaging comments about women. This goes beyond being politically incorrect. Trump showed us last night how he really feels about women. He doesn't respect them, and doesn't treat them as equals. He made sexually dehumanizing comments. (Where are my value defending conservatives?????) Why would anyone want a president who doesn't treat half of the population like human beings? I'm am blown away that more people are not upset about what he said.

Instead of calling out Trump for his heinous remarks, conservative and even liberal media networks are asking today, was Kelly to hard on Trump last night? ARE YOU KIDDING ME? Trump got his feelings hurt because the moderators were asking hard questions. Tell me this, If Trump can't handle people asking about his past and past actions that HE committed, then how do you think he is going to handle diplomatic relations with other countries? Like HELLO, Iran, China, and Russia don't mess around and were gonna send loud mouth Trump over there. Well if you like war that is who you should vote for because there is no way Trump will ever argue for peace between nations. 

If you thought the last eight years with Obama was bad, you have no idea what we'll be in store for if Trump is elected. 

Do NOT let Trump trick you into his horrible game. Our founding father's will really roll around in their graves if this man wins the nomination. He will really, (in all seriousness) damage this country more than it already is. He is contentious and divisive and that is the antithesis of what this nation needs right now. 

-- B

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