2016. . . IT IS COMING

10:55 AM


Most of you are not insane and do not care that the presidential election is just under NINETEEN months away (NINETEEN PEOPLE). However, for those of us who get excited about campaign signs and media kill strikes, it is an exciting time. 

The Rant

The voter rate (especially in Utah) in elections has seen a dramatic decrease in recent years. Whether that be to indifference, ignorance, or arranged priorities, is not an excuse. People really do die for your right to vote. It's not just something that gets said in Hollywood movies to incite emotion. Millions of American Men and Women, as well as soldiers from our nations allies, have died for you to have this right to vote. Is it seriously not important enough to you to honor that sacrifice? Its sad that Utah used to be one of the states with the highest voting percentages, and now we are one of the lowest. The country's voting rates are decreasing all over the country. 

COME ON PEOPLE! (cue my patriotic soap box) This is America! I could go on and on about how we are one of very few countries that has this amazing right. Stop being lazy and stop not caring about this. It's important, and it isn't hard at all! A few clicks around your computer, and you can get 'informed.'

Don't Just vote, vote smart!

It's not enough to just get to the ballot box. Your opinion matters, yes, but your educated opinion matters more. Yes it is one vote, but are you telling me that you are insignificant? Please don't, I'm not a licensed therapist, and you can't afford me. Anyway, It's not hard to get basic information on potential candidates, or current issues in your community. 

Criteria for getting informed on potential candidates: 
  • Voting record- This is very important and can be found on the government website associated with whatever government body you are interested in. (Utahns can find local state legislators voting records at le.utah.gov)
  • Personal Website- Google search the name, and the page will show up. 
  • Social Media Accounts- Also Google search 
  • Past activities- You can follow a candidate by the previous jobs they've held. This can also be completed through a Google search. 
Criteria for getting informed on the issues: 
  • Media- I hate the media, but occasionally you can find basic fact articles that will give you the low down on the problem. Just be careful that you aren't taking 'facts' from an article that has a clear agenda, regardless of side. 
  • Government Information- With all the many bureaucracies in this country, finding background information on a national or local issue will not be difficult. 
  • Blogs- Be very careful! Blogs are usually a vessel for the ignorant to display their views (hint: ignore what I just said about blogs when you are reading my blog). However, even though blogs can be unreliable for good information, there are bloggers out there that do an amazing job, and get information that might be hard to find from the big news networks other others involved, but you must  be very selective. 
Road to 2016

Within the last 48 hours, three potentials have announced their candidacy for the presidential nomination. Start now, so that you can really know who you want to vote for. Citizens of our great nation, if you spend more time deciding what you want at Taco Bell than you do deciding who our next president should be, then you're doing something wrong. . . . 

Here is a current list of potentials for the 2016 race. This is exciting people. Especially for the Millennial! (holla at the 90s babies) The candidates will be fighting for your vote, so you are very relevant in the 2016 race.

Happy 'informing' 

- B 

2016 Presidential Potentials


            Currently have filed or has exploratory committee
  •          Former Governor Lincoln Chafee
  •          Former US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton
  •          Former US Senator Jim Webb

Unofficial potentials
  •          Vice President Joe Biden
  •          Former Governor Martin O’Malley
  •          U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders
  •          U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren


            Currently have filed or has an exploratory committee
  •          Dr. Ben Carson
  •          U.S. Senator Ted Cruz
  •          Former Governor Jeb Bush
  •          Former IRS commissioner Mark Everson
  •          U.S. Senator Rand Paul
  •          U.S. Senator Marco Rubio

Unofficial Potentials
  • Former UN ambassador John Bolton
  • Governor Chris Christie
  • Former Governor Bob Ehrlich
  • Businesswoman Carly Fiorina
  • Former Governor Jim Gilmore
  • U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham
  • Former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee (PLEASE NO)
  • Governor Bobby Jindal
  • Governor John Kasich
  • Congressman Pete King
  • Former Governor Sarah Palin (NO NO NO)
  • Former Governor George Pataki
  • Governor Mike Pence
  • Former Governor Rick Perry (PLEASE NO)
  • Former U.S. Senator Rick Santorum
  • Governor Rick Snyder
  • Governor Scott Walker

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