2014: The Comeback Year

8:50 PM

I can't believe 2014 is quickly coming to an end. It feels as if the year just started. Oh man, this has been the craziest, hardest, most rewarding, and wonderful year! Somehow I came out of it on top a better human, and that makes me pretty happy. The last couple years (2011-2013) have been the years that I have struggled the most. At times it felt that I was getting hit with one trial after another. I let my faith slip. I let hatred, fear, hurt, and pain enter my heart, and I held grudges. I pushed everyone away and I slipped into a very dark place that changed the happy and bubbly girl I used to be. I lost myself and my purpose. When 2013 was coming to an end I was broken and didn't know when this destructive force was going to end. Through a series of very hard and fortunate choices during 2014, I was able to get myself back. I call 2014 my comeback year for many reasons. I regained the parts of me that I had lost, but I also found out what it really meant to be Brittney. I can say now that I have never been so happy and I cannot wait for all the fun adventures that are waiting for me in 2K15.


In October of 2013 I decided to move back home with my family. It was the single best decision I made that year. By the time January came around I had built up the courage to want to try better this year. However, I didn't do this on my own. I give credit to three things that really helped me start 2014 off with a bang.

 One, I started praying and reading my scriptures again. I started following the @BOFM365 user on Instagram. With the help of this account, I have been able to re-read the Book of Mormon. I started to repair my broken testimony and I started praying again. I reconnected with my Heavenly Father and I started to love myself again. I resolved the issues I had, and I could feel better about myself again.

Along with my strengthening testimony, my family did wonders for my new year. They loved me when it was really really hard to. My siblings and my mom never gave up on me and for that I am so grateful.They saved me, and I love them more than anything in this entire world.

BYU has always been a place of comfort and refuge for me. I know a lot of people have problems with the school and the students, but I don't. This school, my friends, and the things I have been taught have bolstered my confidence. BYU has empowered and helped me to know that I am an amazing person and that I  can change the world. In January I started taking this required class for my major. POLI 328: Statistical Analysis and Methodology, was the class. I had no idea what I was getting my self into. If I had known how hard it was I probably would have chickened out, but I'm glad I didn't. I have always loved school but because of the last couple years I had lost sight of that. This class reminded me why I love learning and why I love school. It has honestly been the hardest class I have ever taken, but it has also been the most rewarding class ever. I also met some of the most amazing people at BYU ever (Holli, Megan, Seth, Rachel, and Olivia). They really are great people. I love you guys!

 February was pretty great, obviously. February has my favorite holiday, Valentine's Day. Taelor, Jenna, and I had a fun little Valentines party. Filled with lots of sweets and Romeo and Juliet. Can you have a bad February when you have a party with your best friends and  Ed Westwick playing Tybalt? I submit, you cannot. 

March to June

March is usually the month that I hate because it means Spring and Summer are coming and I'm not a big fan of Spring and Summer. Also the only holiday in March is St. Patrick's Day. Also something I am not a fan of. However, this March was really great because of two people; Jenna Abram and Kelsey Ercanbrack. These two women are some of the greatest women you will ever meet. Kelsey and Jenna reminded me to have fun again. And we had fun. Late night drives, jamming out to Rdio, Boys, boys, and more boys, our special adventures and creating memories that I will never forget. We bonded over hardships in our lives that we were all going through and we helped each other through them. I will never forget my love for these two girls and I am so excited to see what 2K15 will hold for each of us. 

June to September

After finishing up Winter semester and miraculously coming out of 328 with an A- I was able to land a political science research assistant position with one of my wonderful professors at BYU. I got to work on an amazing project and I learned so much. I gained some experience in my area of expertise and I know that I chose the right major.

September to November

What an amazing Fall season. Fall is when I tend to thrive because I love the weather, and the smells, and everything okay. Here are a few great things that made these months during my comeback year great. 

I started one of my last semesters at BYU, including my Capstone class (American Politics and Religion). I also took other wonderful classes. Gender and politics, Survey of the Supreme Court, public speaking, and Early Church History, all of which surprisingly really strengthened my testimony. I was also able to be called to be a relief society teacher in my home ward. I was so nervous at first but honestly it has been one of the biggest blessings in disguise. I learn so much and my testimony is strengthened by the women of my ward every time I teach. I love it. 

A big accomplishment for me at this time was letting go of the hurt and the pain and all the grudges I had been holding onto forever. I realized that when I get hurt I cut people out of my lives. I also realized that I didn't want to be like that anymore. It's been one of the hardest things for me, being more open to people, and taking the risk of getting hurt, but I think I am better this way. 

I'm finally feeling Twenty-Two!! Yes, according to my sister I am now "old". But I'm just glad I was finally able to sing TSWIFT on my birthday and really mean it. It was one of the best birthday's I've ever had. I was spoiled by my wonderful friends and family. I am really grateful for them and I love being twenty-two. Birthdays are so huge to me, and I don't know why but I got all out for them. So, to Mom, Tae, Mckayla, Cass, Kilee, and Jenna and everyone else who made me feel loved, thank you for making my birthday so special. 

November and December

THE TWO BEST MONTHS OF THE YEAR! Oh man, I have had an amazing holiday season! First off, I applied for the Utah State Legislative Internship at BYU and got in (which was a complete shock to me). I will be officially starting in January and I cannot wait for all the experiences that are awaiting me. Second, I got a job. Like a real job. I applied to Bath & Body Works at the begining of November and they hired me! Yayy! I worked for about a month (I had to quit to start on my internship duties) which was a bummer because I met a lot of amazing people there (Brodee and Mckell). It was so much fun, and I really miss it. Also I discovered Parks and Rec. . . LOVE.

Oh, also. . . . I AM GOING TO TAYLOR SWIFT AND I CANNOT CONTAIN MY EXCITMENT. MY SISTER AND I WILL BE SCREAMING OUR LUNGS OUT AT THE CONCERT IN SALT LAKE CITY ON SEPTEMBER FOURTH. MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ME. Besides that my Christmas was amazing. I had a wonderful break relaxing and spending time with my amazing family. 

2014 was my comeback year. I grew up in ways I didn't know I needed to and I learned a great deal about life. SO with a happy heart I say, here's to 2K15! 

Love always, 

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