Pulling the Race Card, and why it Hurts Everyone

9:44 AM

Lately, Twitter has been a crazy storm of debate over this Rachel Dolezal business. I don't really have an opinion on that, but I have noticed a serious problem that results because of debates like these.

Early this morning, Matt Lauer and the Today Show crew interviewed Miss. Dolezal about this huge race issue. If you do not know the story I highly recommend watching the interview. Anyway, I have noticed the last couple of days that a lot of my liberal leaning friends on Facebook are quite upset at this and upset that people are claiming this to be a similar issue to Caitlyn Jenner and transgenderism. I have seen posts about trying to choose your race is immoral and can't be done, but you can change your gender.

To be clear, I am not going to give my opinion on either Caitlyn Jenner and her transgenderism or Rachel Dolezal and her trans-racialism. I have my own views on that and I don't feel that anyone would be benefited by rehashing that issue. However, I do have a strong opinion against those that have stood up and defended Caitlyn Jenner while at the same time condemning Rachel Dolezal.

I understand that race and gender are two very different aspects of the human experience, but a huge part of the argument for transgender people and Caitlyn Jenner, was that her soul was born different than her physical body. Whether or not you agree with that, you have to let her and others live their lives the way they want to. I'm confused and a little upset that the same people that encouraged Caitlyn to be her true self are so condemning to Rachel. How do you know if she feels that her soul was born Black instead of White?

Basically what I'm pointing out is the hypocrisy between those who are Caitlyn Jenner Proponents and Rachel Dolezal Opponents. It's clear hypocrisy to me. If you feel that people should be and do wahtever they want, then that has to be true for every type of person. If not, then all arguments are invalid.

SO..... In response to the Matt Lauer/Rachel Dolezal interview I got into the debate on Twitter and posted this:

I knew that I might get some hate from this tweet, but I honestly think that if you think you can be transgender, than why can't you be trans-racial?

The following is a response from a woman to my original tweet.

I wouldn't post anything, if I didn't want honest and clear dialogue between people from all view points. But the first thing @KarimiCan tweeted was hostile. She didn't understand where I was coming from and started calling names. (Hint: you should never start calling names in an argument because your opponent will automatically doubt your intelligence)

I don't ignore the face that many people may have a seriously different opinion on this issue than I do. and I think when people can cordially communicate, there can be understand. This conversation was not one of those debates.

Basically her response, shown above, told me I couldn't have an opinion on the Rachel Dolezal debate because I was white. What part of that is not racist? Honestly, why does she get to say that. She completely invalidated what I had to say about it, and she defended that statement with racism.

FACT: When you invalidate someone or someone's opinion using their race, than you are racist, and you are part of the problem.

I continued to argue with you and cited that she was using reversed racism also known as reversed discrimination to invalidate what I was saying. The same claim she was laying on me for being white. She claimed reverse discrimination was not a real thing. OH DARLING. That's when I got real excited and started typing 45894454 words a minute.

HAHA. Because Reverse Discrimination/Racism IS a thing. A legal thing. A legal thing that acknowledges that white people can also be discriminated against based on the color of their skin.

I now present you with the Supreme Court of the United States Case

Bakke V. University of California

 After Affirmative Action had been established by SCOTUS there arose a problem with qualified individuals being chosen for things over equally qualified individuals because of race. Specifically in College Admissions. In California, I think it was a medical school, chose a black student applicant over a white student applicant. These two applicants had identical qualifications, and GPAs. The black student was selected over the white student, and the determining factor was race, something that no one can physically choose. (Just in case you were wondering, that's Racism, or reversed racism) SCOTUS thought so too, and ruled in favor of the white student stating that admissions boards could not select a person on the final factor being race. However, no precedent was set by the court, and so it is always overlooked.

Anyway, this girl had no idea what she was talking about. She was debating blind and ignorant, and nothing and no one is benefited from a debate like that. In her response, she stated that the government is racist and cited slavery, apartheid, Jim Crow Laws, and white preference all perpetrated by the government invalidated Bakke V. California. Which by the way, it DOES NOT. I agree with @KarimiCan. The US government along with many other governments in the world have done and been a party to some very horrible things in history. A lot of those horrible things having to do with race, and racism against minorities, especially black minorities. I am in no way invalidating those situations. But I do argue against the idea that since those happened the government can only be racist, because that simply isn't true. If a black or white student gets chosen over a white or black student (respectively) on the sole basis or race, than that is racist, regardless of what race it is happening to. If you deny the fact that there has been issues of racism against whites, then you yourself are part of the race problem in this country. Ignoring anyone's pain and invalidating their experiences is wrong, and is just as hurtful. DON'T DO IT.

The moment we accept that racism has happened, does happen, and will continue to happen AND that it happens to all races.... then that is the moment our nation will truly start to fix the massive race rift we still have. Racism isn't over, and it will never be over until we stop using race to invalidate others regardless of the color of their skin. Jude people for what they say and how they act and not on what they look like. Seriously so many problems would be solved if our society could do that. Don't ever tell me I can't have an opinion on something because of my skin color.

-- B

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