Hands up for Women...... Finally!

10:36 AM

Hello Party People! 

Just announced this morning, there is going to be a woman on the $10 bill! Oh my gosh, this is totally awesome! Finally we will be able to honor and recognize nationally one of the many women who have seriously helped to make this country a better place. There are so many to choose from I don't know how the director of the Treasury is going to choose. 

I just have one negative comment about the entire thing. Maybe two. 

First, The original petition was supposed to be for $20 bill, because honestly Jackson is a big black mark on our history page and what better way to clean it up then with ELEANOR ROOSEVELT or one of the other wonderful women? But the $10 bill is the next bill up for re-modeling and change. So I guess it's okay. At least there will be a woman on one of the bills! I can't wait to get one. When I do, I'm definitely scrap booking that bill forever. History is being made here people, and it's awesome! 

Second, the only other negative thing I have seen is some of the comments people have been leaving on these announcement articles. Some of the news articles are asking for feedback from Facebook people and asking them who they think should be on the $10 bill. A lot of people (both men and women) are replying with people like Aunt Jemimma, Betty Crocker, Little Debbie. Or I have seen people say women are just causing problems and they shouldn't be above men. Okay WTF? No. Is that all women are. Little smiling girls on $1.50 Snack packs? I certainly hope not. It's just plain ignorance and disrespect. Come on people. Pick up a history book, and you will realize that women have done a lot of amazing things for this country. So don't be an idiot and reply with Betty Crocker. 

Overall, I am excited. Here is who I think would be good candidates for the $10 bill. 

  • Rosa Parks
  • Eleanor Roosevelt
  • Abigail Adams
  • Harriet Tubman 
  • Sally Ride
  • Jackie O
  • Mae Jemison 
  • Ruth Bader Ginsburg (RBG)
  • Sandra Day O'Connor 
  • Susan B Anthony
  • Alice Paul
  • Marjorie Pay Hinckley 
  • Besty Ross 
I'm sure there are more, but that is currently all I can think of! 


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