My Own Words

7:10 PM

As of late I feel like Facebook has turned into an arena where people post controversial posts to get a rise out of their friends. I feel like this happens to argue the "my brain is bigger than your brain" argument. Also I've notice specifically in my social group, that when people post an opinion that everyone doesn't agree with,  they are made into the devil. I saw this specifically with certain recent issues with the LDS church and my member friends. I saw an extreme amount of backlash towards those who posted things about supporting the LDS prophet, Thomas S. Monson, in regards to Kate Kelly and the Ordain Women movement.I saw it happen in reverse as well. I will not post my opinion about that here because that is not what this is about. I feel like no one can say anything without having the PC police jumping down their throats making sure that what they say doesn't hurt ANYONE's feelings even 0.001%. It's ridiculous, there will always be someone who gets offended by what you say and disagree with you. That doesn't mean you should stop sharing your opinion. There is a difference between being ignorant, offensive, and bully-ish, and just stating a controversial opinion. That is why I made this blog. I want to post my opinions, regardless of it's popularity, without 13434 people jumping down my throat about my insensitivity, or my ignorance, or my lack of experience in the "real" world. If you'd like to read my view of the world, great! Read it, post a comment, even tell me if you disagree, and why. I love debates, but if you are going to condemn me because I don't feel the same way as you do, then don't bother. Name calling, belittling, and forcing your opinion is not going to work here.

That is all.

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